
(2021). Density Regression with Bayesian Additive Regression Trees. arXiv Preprint.

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(2021). FLAME: Interpretable Matching for Causal Inference. useR! 2021.

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(2020). Post-operative Outcomes in Infants Undergoing ABO Incompatible Heart Transplantation in the US. AoTS.


(2020). Outcomes of Cardiac Retransplantation in Pediatric Population in the US: Analysis of UNOS Data. CHSS.

(2020). Almost Matching Exactly for Treatment Effect Estimation Under Network Interference. AISTATS.

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(2020). Adaptive Hyper-box Matching for Interpretable Individualized Treatment Effect Estimation. UAI.

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(2020). Bayesian Additive Regression Trees With Density Regression for Quantile Treatment Effect Estimation. ACIC.